One of leading telecom service provider of India, Vodafone, has launched out a fresh scheme for its prepaid users. The new offer pack with a price tag of Rs 344 provides 1 GB data each day and limitless national and local calls with 28 Days of validity.
The scheme is valid to all 3G, 2G, and 4G Vodafone subscribers and can be availed through Vodafone stores and the MyVodafone app.
Below the Rs 344 scheme, consumers can make calls of almost 1200 Minutes for 7 Days and if they drain out this limit, then they will be charged 10 Paisa for calls from Vodafone to Vodafone and 30 Paisa each minute for STD or local calls to other networks. In addition to this, consumers can only make free of cost calls of almost 300 Minutes each day.
Consumers have to make a contact with 300 unique contacts within the time frame of 7 Days. If they made contact with the same number over and over then they will be taxed 10 Paisa for calls from Vodafone to Vodafone and 30 Paisa each minute for STD and local calls to other networks.
Lately, Airtel also launched out a fresh offer with a price tag of Rs 399 for its users. Below this plan, Airtel is providing limitless STD and local calls in addition with 84 GB Internet data with 84 Days of validity period.
As per the official website of the company, once a consumer drains out her/his limit of 1000 Minutes then she/he will be taxed Rs. 0.30 each minute for calls made to other networks and Rs 0.10 each minute for calls from Airtel to Airtel.
Reliance Jio as well has rolled out a new plan with a price tag of Rs 399 with 84 Days of validity period. Below this tariff plan of Rs 399, Jio provides consumers unlimited SMSes (with a daily limit of 100 messages per day), limitless free calling (domestic), and 84 GB of data with a daily limit of 1 GB Internet data each day.
Well, it seems that this war between the companies is indeed benefiting the users.