After the launch of Inspiron 15 5000 in India, Dell has now decided to launch the Dell XPS 13 laptop. Previously, the company has launched a series of gaming laptops and a desktop that comprised Alienware 17, Alienware 15, and Dell Alienware Aurora gaming desktop. Let us have a look at the configuration of the new XPS 13 laptop.
The new XPS 13 laptop has 17.3-inch of full HD IPS screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 along with Anti-Glare 220-nits display. Having 64-bit of Windows 10 Home Single Language operating system, the laptop also comes with a trial version of the Microsoft® Office. The new device runs on Intel® 6th Generation Core™ i7 7700HQ (6MB Cache, Quad-Core, and a Turbo Boost up to 3.5GHz) processor. The new XPS 13 laptop comes with 32 GB of DDR5 RAM and 1 TB of hard drive. In addition to this, the device also has GDDR5 of GTX 1050Ti NVIDIA® GeForce® graphics card. This makes the gaming experience livelier.
Furthermore, the new XPS 13 laptop has 2 x SODIMMs Memory Slots, 1 x 3-in-1 Media Card Reader, and 1 x Noble Lock Port (lock and cable sold separately). In the section of ports, the new device has 1 x Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet IPV6, 1 x Thunderbolt™ 3 Port (USB Type-C™ supporting 40Gbps Thunderbolt, SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps, and DisplayPort), 3 x SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Port, 1 x HDMI (1.4 with AMD/2.0 with NVIDIA) Output, and 1 x Alienware Graphics Amplifier Port.
Speaking of the battery, the device has 47 WHr, 6-Cell (removable) as well as 40 WHr, 4-Cell (removable) battery. Last, but not the least, let us see the cost that comes with the laptop. No details of the price factor have been rolled out yet by the company.
In short, Dell has introduced a higher version of its Inspiron 15 5000 by launching XPS 13 laptop. The price also seems worthy for the specs that are being offered. Users will surely appreciate and get attracted to the new device. For now, the price factor seems to be the only secrecy.